Can You Freeze Sour Cream? How To Save Money Freezing This Treat

Don’t you hate it when you’re cooking, and you only need a small amount of something?

It’s always frustrating to waste ingredients that go bad quickly. Dairy products are especially hard to keep because they spoil fast, and they are usually called for in small amounts in recipes.

Sour cream is one such ingredient. Delicious as it may be in that cake recipe, having half of a container left over to spoil in your refrigerator is a waste of money.

Can you freeze sour cream? Yes! I’ve done it before, and it’s been such a great way to save me money and trips to the grocery store.

Let’s learn how. It’s easier than you think, and it will save you a ton of money otherwise wasted on spoiled products.


What You’ll Need

Sour cream

Sour cream is a type of fermented cream with a slightly sour taste.

Sour cream is a type of cream that has been intentionally fermented so that it takes on a slightly thicker texture and sour taste.

Sour cream is used in many recipes. You can make casseroles, cookies, cakes, stews, and more that use sour cream. It can also be used on its own as a topping for nachos, baked potatoes, or potato chips.

Whisk Or Spoon

You will need something to mix your sour cream together with before freezing it. There are two great options.

Option #1: Whisk

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My preference is to use a small, handheld whisk to whip the sour cream before freezing it. You can fit this inside of a small, airtight container, or the container that the sour cream was bought in. A whisk helps the sour cream whip together better than a spoon does.

Option #2: Spoon

A spoon can be used to mix sour cream and is in every home.

The real benefit of using a spoon is that everyone owns a spoon, but not everyone has a whisk! You will have to stir more vigorously with a spoon than you would need to with a whisk.

Additional Storage Container (optional)

Some people do not want to freeze sour cream in the container it came in. If you are splitting sour cream into portions, you will need additional storage containers before freezing. There are two good options.

Option #1: Airtight Storage Container

An airtight container like this one can be used to freeze sour cream

Get an airtight storage container that has a slightly larger volume than the amount of sour cream you plan to freeze. The container will help prevent freezer burn.

Option #2: Plastic Freezer Bag

Via Amazon

Freezer bags are very easy to use and inexpensive. You can squeeze out excess air and freeze small portions without taking up a lot of space. They are also easily labeled.

Using freezer bags to freeze sour cream is my personal preference over plastic containers or the original sour cream container since it takes up less space.

Blender (optional)

Via Amazon

While not necessary, a quality high-speed blender will be very helpful for restoring a nice texture to your sour cream after it is thawed. It is not required, however, because you can always whip it together by hand.

Any blender will do, but one with higher speeds will help bring the separated ingredients back together better.

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Mix It Up


Use a whisk or spoon to vigorously whip the sour cream together. Your goal is to distribute the moisture throughout the container evenly so that it will not separate too badly.

2. Find Your Container

You can use the original container, an airtight container, or a plastic freezer bag to store the sour cream. Choose the size that fits your freezer and the amount of sour cream that you are freezing, and put the sour cream into the container.

3. Get Rid Of Excess Air


If you are using a freezer bag, make sure to squeeze out all excess air. Any extra air can cause freezer burn or extra separation. You want to avoid both of these things so that your sour cream will be fresher when you take it out of the freezer.

4. Freeze It!

Now, place the sour cream in the freezer. Remember that it can stay there for up to 6 months, but should not be kept longer than that. Otherwise, it can still go bad, even in the freezer!

5. Thaw In The Refrigerator


Take the container from the freezer and place it in the refrigerator until thaw. Depending on the amount frozen, it could take up to 24 hours to fully thaw.

6. Whip It Up!


After your sour cream thaws, you will notice that it has separated and maybe even curdled a bit. Don’t panic. You just need to whip it up.

If you have a blender, put the sour cream in the blender and whip it until it comes together again on a high-speed setting. If you don’t have a blender, use a spoon or whisk to vigorously hand whip the sour cream until the texture returns to normal.

Tips From The Experts

1. Be Prepared For Texture Changes


The moisture in sour cream will separate while it freezes. After thawed, it might even resemble cottage cheese. Frozen sour cream should be used in baked goods, soups, and casseroles to add creaminess, but might not be texturally appealing as a topping or a dip after freezing.

2. Restore Some Thickness With Add-Ins

Cornstarch is a great way to thicken sour cream.

If you don’t like the texture, try whipping some cornstarch into the sour cream when you mix or blend it. This will help thicken the sour cream again so that it doesn’t feel watery or separated.

Stock Up On Sour Cream!

Next time you have a great coupon to get extra sour cream on sale, don’t be afraid to stock up. You can freeze it in just a few simple steps, and the sour cream can still be used in many recipes after it’s been frozen.

And don’t throw away left-over sour cream after making dinner anymore. Even if no one will use or eat it, you can save it for the next time you need a small amount of sour cream. Why waste a fresh ingredient? Freeze it for later, and you’ll save money!

What do you like most about freezing sour cream? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this article with your thrifty friends that might need it, too.

Sophia Gardner

I'm Sophia, food blogger, dog lover, homemade cooking and travel passion. I really hope you enjoy my blog, i'll do my best to share great recipes, healthy living tips and just general 'food' thoughts!

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