
Category Archives for "Bakeware"

Choosing The Best Springform Pan: Top 5 of 2019

Springform pans are one of the most useful tools in the kitchen, but not all springform pans are created equally.

The best way to choose a springform pan that will work in your kitchen is to check out my curated list of the top 5 springform pans. I’ve sifted through dozens of options to find you the best pan. Let’s take a look!

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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The Best Butane Torch Of 2019 (Buyer’s Guide & Reviews)

Even if you’ve never used a butane torch before, there are dozens of ways you could use it at home. You can do everything from soldering jewelry to whipping up a delicious dessert.

While butane torches are very versatile, you will want to make sure you choose a reliable torch that will last you for a long time. In this review guide, I’ve gathered up some of the best butane torch options. Choose the one that will work best for you!

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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