
Category Archives for "Gadgets"

How To Choose The Best Chopsticks (2019 Edition)

Anyone experienced with chopsticks will tell you that there is more to selecting the best pair than just picking up a wooden, disposable set. Different cultures have created different chopsticks over time, made with a variety of materials for specific purposes.

To find the right pair of chopsticks for your home, follow our guide on how to select the best chopsticks!

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What Is The Best Yogurt Maker? 5 Top Options (2019 Edition)

Yogurt isn’t expensive or hard to find, but you can make your own custom yogurts even more inexpensively with the best yogurt maker!

Which of the yogurt makers on the market is best? These 5 stand out among all options as some of the best. Let’s take a closer look so you can make your own yogurt at home in no time.

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Choosing The Best Springform Pan: Top 5 of 2019

Springform pans are one of the most useful tools in the kitchen, but not all springform pans are created equally.

The best way to choose a springform pan that will work in your kitchen is to check out my curated list of the top 5 springform pans. I’ve sifted through dozens of options to find you the best pan. Let’s take a look!

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The Best Butane Torch Of 2019 (Buyer’s Guide & Reviews)

Even if you’ve never used a butane torch before, there are dozens of ways you could use it at home. You can do everything from soldering jewelry to whipping up a delicious dessert.

While butane torches are very versatile, you will want to make sure you choose a reliable torch that will last you for a long time. In this review guide, I’ve gathered up some of the best butane torch options. Choose the one that will work best for you!

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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How to Choose The Best Manual Meat Grinder for Your Kitchen (2019 Edition)

Ground meat is not just delicious but also very versatile. You can make it into a patty, meatball, or sausage, or use it in different savory dishes like pasta, pizza, meatloaf, pie, and a lot more.

Do you still buy expensive ground meat thinking it is better and fresher? Have you ever considered just buying a meat grinder? If ground meat is a staple ingredient in your home, then I suggest you get your own manual meat grinder. It will be easier and a lot cheaper.

How and where to get one? Go check out my review on these 5 best manual meat grinders in the market. Read along to know my thoughts on each of them and find out which one is my most favorite.

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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Finding The Best Oven Mitts (Top 5 Options of 2019)

Oven mitts are more than just pieces of fabric that buffer the heat between a hot pan and your hand. They have evolved into something greater! Modern oven mitts diffuse all heat so that you cannot burn your hands, and they even provide more maneuverability than old-style oven mitts.

Still, there are thousands of different oven mitts out there to choose from. How can you decide what are the best oven mitts? Easy! I’ve narrowed down the options to the Top 5 on the market.

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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How to Choose The Best Cheese Slicer You Will Ever Need In Your Kitchen (2019 Edition)

What is your favorite kind of cheese?

Not all cheese are created equal – some are tough and rough while others are soft and easily melted.

If you want to cut a cheese, say cheddar, what do you use? A sharp thin knife? Or maybe a piece of thread?

Well, good thing, there are a lot of different cheese slicers available in the market now. There are slicers that are great for huge tough cheeses while some are versatile and can be used for soft moist ones.

Do you want to know how to choose the best cheese slicer you will ever need in your kitchen? Keep reading.

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How To Choose The Best Sausage Stuffer For Household Use (2019 Edition)

Meat, as we all know, spoil in a day or two if you don’t keep it in a freezing cold environment or by using salt and other spices.

A long time ago, men used to hunt wild animals like boars and deer for food, but did you know that they also figured out how to cure meat and make it into sausages to keep it more for weeks?

Awesome, right?

Now, we do not need to hunt and a lot of high-tech gadgets we can use to keep meat and make sausages.

As a matter of fact, if you are interested to know how to make homemade sausages, I can help you choose the best sausage stuffer in the market. Read along.

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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The 5 Best Popcorn Kernels You Need In Your Life And How To Make Popcorn Pop

Did you know that an average American adult consumes roughly around 70 quarts of popcorn a year? Do you realize what that means? That is hundreds of billions of quarts of popcorn we are talking about!

Mind you, this is just in America, how much more do you think the whole world consumes each year?

I guess that’s enough grounds to say that popcorn is indeed a staple snack, but do you know where popcorn is from?

How is it made? What makes it pop? Can all corns pop?

All these and more as we come along and learn the 5 best popcorn kernels you need in your life and how to make popcorn pop.

**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon

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