The Best Of 2019: Traeger Renegade Elite Grill Reviews

Traeger Grills is known for making some of the best grills around, and my Traeger Renegade Elite Grill reviews will show you that there’s a good reason for this. These grills are top of the line, but choosing just one Traeger grill might become a problem.

That’s why I’ve put together this guide for the best of the Traeger grills. Check them out!

Here's Traeger Renegade Elite Review Comparison Chart

Product Name

Texas Elite 34 Series

Tailgater Traeger 20

Lil’ Tex Elite 22

Traeger Pro Series 22

Traeger Bronson 20

Our Rating

Main Function







Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Control Style

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Grilling Area

646 sq in

300 sq in

418 sq in

572 sq in

300 sq in

Hopper Capacity

18 lb

8 lb

18 lb

18 lb

10 lb

Grill Size (HxWxD)

49x54x22 in



24 x 22 x 41


**Below, you'll find more detailed reriews, but you can click links above to see current prices and read customer's reviews on Amazon


How To Choose The Traeger Renegade Elite Grills

While the focus of this guide will be to review the share my Traeger Renegade Elite Grill reviews, these aren’t the only type of Traeger grill I will be introducing today, though they are the ones that have that catchy infomercial:

Traeger makes a number of fantastic grill and grill/smoker combos. So how do you choose between them?

Using the following characteristics, you should be able to find the right grill for you and your specific situation.

What Makes The Elite Special?


The Elite line from Traeger has some special characteristics that stand out, and that’s why there are so many Traeger Renegade Elite Grill reviews praising how unique and useful these models are.

Some of the best features include:

  • Digital Controller: Can easily control and set internal temperature; grill will feed itself more pellets as needed to keep a consistent temperature.
  • Easy Hopper Cleanout: The hinged door makes it easy to swap out pellets for new flavors as needed.
  • Accessory Rack: Magnetic hooks, racks, and more will keep your accessories at hand and organized, so you don’t have to go looking for them when you’re at work.
  • EZ Grease Draining: The grease is easy to drip away from the meat and clean up, so you don’t have to clean up your whole porch!
  • Sturdy Wheels: These made it possible to move the grill around and also prevents damage from easily occurring to the base of the grill.

The features that stand out about the Elite line can easily direct our attention to the categories that should be considered when you are trying to choose which grill will make the best addition to your home life.

What You Should Look For


There’s a number of categories to be covered, but the simple fact is that most Traeger grills are great, so I’ll just focus on which categories differ most between Traeger grills so that you can make your selection more easily.

1. Grilling, Smoking, Or Both!

Some Traeger grills only offer grilling, and others offer both grill and smoker type options. Depending on what type of meats and foods you want to prefer on your new grill, you will want to decide if the smoking features will be a great value bonus or a waste of money.

2. Organizational Tools

From places to hang your grilling accessories to a rack where you can do basic maneuvering at the grill, having some organization is a really useful add-on. If your grill is nothing but a grill, it will be difficult to use.

3. Grill Layout

How easy is it to clean the grill? How easy is it to change out the pellets? To switch between different grilling styles? The grill should be user-friendly and easy to use. If it’s too hard to use the different functions available, you won’t end up using them, so you want to make sure the functions are all accessible to you.

4. Temperature Monitoring

Not all grills have digital temperature monitoring, but that is the best thing that you can look for. Always check what type of temperature monitoring is available on a Traeger grill before you make your final choice. You want to be sure that you will have some way to monitor, adjust, and control the temperature.

5. Overall Durability

When you get a grill, you want to fall in love with it, and you want it to last forever! If the grill is made of cheap parts or with poor construction, it might break or stop working after just a few months of us. To avoid this, always check for durability.

The Top 5 Best Traeger Renegade Elite Grills

Product Name

Texas Elite 34 Series

Tailgater Traeger 20

Lil’ Tex Elite 22

Traeger Pro Series 22

Traeger Bronson 20

Our Rating

Main Function







Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Wood Pellets

Control Style

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Digital Elite Controller that can maintain +/- 20°F

Grilling Area

646 sq in

300 sq in

418 sq in

572 sq in

300 sq in

Hopper Capacity

18 lb

8 lb

18 lb

18 lb

10 lb

Grill Size (HxWxD)

49x54x22 in



24 x 22 x 41


1. Traeger Grills Texas Elite 34 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker


The first of the best Traeger Renegade Elite Grill reviews has to be for an Elite model! The Traeger Grills Texas Elite 34 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker is the best grill / smoker combo that I’ve seen from Traeger, and I can’t help but feel that you might agree with me.

The thing I love most about this grill is just how much space you have. There’s actually 646 sq inches of grilling area, which allows you to make a ton of food at one time! You could make 32 hot dogs… at one time! Who doesn’t want to be that kind of grill master?

Another great thing about this grill is how high-quality the digital thermometer controller is. It is easy to use whether you are grilling or smoking food and ensures that your grill maintains the right temperature throughout smoking up to 450 degrees.


  • Easy to clean
  • Wheels can lock
  • Very durable, high-quality thermometer
  • 646 sq. inches of cooking space
  • Easy to assemble


  • Very heavy, so may be hard to turn upright
  • Doesn’t have all-terrain wheels

2. Traeger Grills Tailgater 20 Portable Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker


The next up is a great choice for those who want to be able to take their grill on the go with them. The Traeger Grills Tailgater 20 Portable Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker is portable because the legs can easily be folded in, and while it’s still heavy, it’s movable. And that’s my favorite thing about it! I’ve taken it to my parent’s house for family gatherings, and it wasn’t hard at all.

The digital temperature control on this model is the same as the Elite 34, and that’s a great thing to have even in this smaller grill. When the temperature fluctuates too much, the grill will have it back in line within 20 degrees of the desired temperature in no time at all.

This grill is smaller than the Elite 34 at 300 sq. inches for cooking, but it’s just the right size for a normal family dinner. This space can fit a good amount of food without being too large to be portable.


  • Foldable legs for great portability
  • 300 sq. inches grilling space
  • Durable, high-quality construction
  • Digital thermometer maintains temperature


  • Included instructions are not thorough enough
  • Some users had problems with grill randomly turning off during smoking

3. Traeger Grills Lil Tex Elite 22 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker


Next up is another Elit grill from Traeger, and this one has it’s own set of unique qualities to offer. The Traeger Grills Lil Tex Elite 22 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoke has a bit more cooking area than the Tailgater 20, but it doesn’t have foldable legs or wheels that can lock in place.

But you don’t have to worry about it rolling because there are only two wheels (not four), so the solid legs will hold it in place.This model is a very versatile grill. It can grill, bake, steam, broil, and do pretty much anything you want to. All it takes is setting the right settings and temperatures, which is very easy to do thanks to the high-quality digital thermometer that Traeger Grills are known for having.

Something I love about this model for home cooking is how big the hopper is. It can hold up to 18 pounds of pellets, which is on the high end for a Traeger. This means that you don’t have to worry about replacing, changing, or filling your pellets often. I love this peace of mind.


  • Very large pellet hopper holds up to 18 pounds
  • Easy to assemble
  • Grill layout is well designed & easy to understand
  • Versatile grill and smoker combo
  • Durable


  • Not portable
  • Auger can jam; may need some DIY maintenance

4. Traeger Pro Series 22 Wood Pellet Grill


Next up is a grill only machine that is still easy to use and a great option for those who want to be able to grill in their backyard. The Traeger Pro Series 22 Wood Pellet Grill doesn’t have any smoking options, but I still think it’s a great choice.

If you like to grill a lot of food at once, you’ll love the size of this grilling area at 572 sq. inches. That’s a lot of room for hot dogs, burgers, chicken, and more! You can pretty much grill everything at once, which saves you time.

The thing I love most about this model is that it still features dual probes, which means that you can check the temperature things are cooking out without having to open the door and lose heat. This leads to a more efficient cooking process, and who doesn’t want more efficiency?


  • Dual probes great for monitoring temperature without opening door
  • Can cook anything - pizza, burgers, and more!
  • Ready to cook in less than 5 minutes
  • Easy to change and replace the pellets
  • Generates small amount of smoke (traditional grills don’t do this)


  • No sawhorse legs
  • No shelves

5. Traeger Grills Bronson 20 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker


The final grill I want to introduce is the Traeger Grills Bronson 20 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker. This smaller model is a great choice for those who don’t have a lot of space, but they still want to be able to grill and smoke at home.

I love how easy this model is to move around the yard thanks to the all-terrain wheels. I don’t like to leave my grill out year round, so this make sit easy to move it to a more secure location when the winter comes, and I stop using my grill for a couple of months.

Additionally, the sawhorse legs on this model are a great addition. They are very durable and help me grill confidently.


  • 300 sq. inches of grilling space
  • More compact footprint; good for smaller spaces
  • 6-in-1 versatility (can bake, broil, grill, smoke, roast, braise)
  • Sawhorse legs add stability
  • All-terrain wheels make it easy to move


  • Can turn off it too many pellets get into the firebox at one time
  • Smaller than some people might like

The Best Traeger Renegade Elite Grill Is…

You can see why there are so many Traeger Renegrade Elite Grill reviews now, right? These grills created by Traeger are simply the best of the best, and you can’t go wrong with owning grills like these.

Still, it only feels right to pick a winner. Among these grills, the best of the best is definitely the Traeger Grills Texas Elite 34 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker. This grill simple has the best space for grilling, the best design, and the best temperature control. No matter what you want to cook or where you want to cook it, you’ll be able to do it with this grill.

But really, your choice should be based on what you can fit in your yard, what amount of food you like to grill at one time, and if it can do smoking if you want to try using a smoker. Every grill from Traeger is quality, so the specifics are what you should pay attention to.

Do you have a favorite Traeger grill? Share with me in the comments so I can have a look at it!

Sophia Gardner

I'm Sophia, food blogger, dog lover, homemade cooking and travel passion. I really hope you enjoy my blog, i'll do my best to share great recipes, healthy living tips and just general 'food' thoughts!

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